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Category: Naturally Poetic

poems about the natural world

New Discovery At Quincy Bog, Rumney, NH; Observation and Appreciation of Club Mosses; Introduced by my naturalist friend Tammis Coffin; November 30, 2020

After a hard freeze, before any snow Club mosses- a plant type you might not know Small evergreens, like miniature trees, But they have spores,…


Exploring the geology of islands in Casco Bay, off the coast of Maine by sailboat, August 1-8th, 2020

Metamorphosed fine grained layers, Sandstone, mudstone are the players. `           ‘’’’’’’’’ Stacked up, then vertical tilting,`         Precambrian, plates drifting.             ’’’’’’’” Thin sediments, stacked, striped and caked…

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Mapping The Development of Our Habits of Mind at Plymouth State University: as a beginning student and as a student getting ready to move into the professional world.

Entering 2024 students at Plymouth State University (PSU) will be required to take two courses that focus on the four Habits of Mind deemed essential…

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